This is the man who saved millions of lives, including my daughter’s. Sir Frederick Banting didn’t create insulin. He did take a look at what others had discovered about the pancreas, it’s role in digestion and what might work in bringing about an effective extract from it. Insulin was a shadow substance at that time, it’s existence postulated by others before and even at the same time Banting was doing his research.
This is the part my friends in PETA will protest strongly about. You see what Banting and his partner Best, did was use 10 dogs to isolate the substance being produced by a certain part of the pancreas by means of shutting down all it’s other functions…then making an extract and injecting it into another dog from which they had deliberately removed the pancreas. The result was the liquid from the one dog kept the other dog alive.
It took a few more dogs and pancreas from other animals to fine tune the process. The University of Toronto professor who was sponsoring Dr. Banting’s experiments went from sceptical to quite interested once it was apparent the good doctor was actually on to something. Finally James Macleod was to actually walk off with half of a Nobel prize for his role in being somewhere else while the work was done. Banting actually protested that Macleod recieved fully half the credit while Charles Best was not mentioned. Banting decided to share his half of the prize with Charles Best.
Speaking of PETA, one of the true ironies of all this is that while the organization protests any form of animal testing, the senior Vice President of the organization, MaryBeth Sweetland, is a Type 1 diabetic. She justifies her use of insulin, which does contain some elements of animal product and was developed through extensive animal testing, by saying “I need my life to fight for the rights of animals”.
And Hitler was a vegetarian – he couldn’t bear to think of an animal being harmed or killed when there were perfectly decent vegetable alternatives. Jews, Romanies, political dissidents, Catholics and Catholic priests, homosexuals and Poles, however…